Governor creates new government organization to deal with minority and low-income communities
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Governor creates new government organization to deal with minority and low-income communities

Date: September 18, 2014
By: Michael Lindquist
State Capitol Bureau
Links: The executive order

Governor Nixon creates a new office in the wake of Ferguson to help deal with issues facing low-income and minority communities.
RunTime:  0:45
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap:Governor Nixon signed an executive order creating an office he says will help low-income and minority communities develop ways to improve their community.   

Nixon's Press Secretary Scott Holste says the situation in Ferguson was a contributing factor leading up to the executive order.

Actuality:  HOLSTE1.WAV
Run Time:  00:15
Description: "Ferguson helped bring a number of issues to light and that they are going, they are going to be addressed in many ways through this particular office."

Nixon appointed former State Senator Maida Coleman as the office's director, and former St. Louis City Municipal Judge Marvin Teer as the deputy director and general counsel.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Michael Lindquist.

Minority and low-income communities have a direct line to legislators with the creation of a new government organization
RunTime:  0:44
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Just weeks following the chaos in Ferguson, Gov. Nixon signed an executive order creating an office to help deal with issues concerning low-income and minority communities.    

Former St. Louis City Municipal Judge Marvin Teer will act as the deputy director and general counsel.

Actuality:  TEER3.WAV
Run Time:  00:19
Description: "I'm excited because it's what government is supposed to do. It's government listening and learning, and rather than reacting or responding to a request from a citizen, to actually go out and engage communities to make things happen and make changes happen."

The Office of Community Engagement will be directed by former State Senator Maida Coleman.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Michael Lindquist.

With post-Ferguson actions still rippling through Missouri communities, Governor Nixon creates a new office to help deal with low-income and minority communities.
RunTime:  0:49
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap:The Office of Community Engagement will help address those communities by initiating communication among Missourians and coming up with policy solutions.

Deputy director and general counsel of the new office, Marvin Teer says it will bring resources to communities in order to get solutions to problems.

Actuality:  TEER1.WAV
Run Time:  00:24
Description: "...if there's issues going on in your neighborhoods and your communities and your cities, then hopefully we can bring those resources, both public and private, collaborations, partnerships, and find real tangible solutions before problems do get worse or problems arise."

Former State Senator Maida Coleman will act as the office's director.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Michael Lindquist.