Mark Hodges
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Mark Hodges

Mark Hodges is a sophomore journalism major at the University of Missouri, with an emphasis in TV and radio reporting and anchoring.

In addition to his work at Missouri Digital News, Mark works as a production assistant and web editor for KOMU-8 News.  He is also a current executive staff member in the news department at KCOU, the University of Missouri's student-run radio station.

Mark is from Carmel, Ind, where he was a photo contributor for a local newspaper. His previous broadcast experience includes producing and hosting a monthly show for his high school’s TV station, which included interviewing the mayor of Carmel.

In winter 2009, Mark captured the struggle of America’s homeless in a documentary that gained national attention from C-SPAN and Brighthouse Networks.

Drawn to broadcast journalism by an intense interest in local, national, and world news, and the impact stories can have in communities around the world, Mark aspires to gain the public trust through insightful and relevant reporting.

More information and additional samples of Mark's work can be found on his website.

Stories by Mark Hodges in 2012 include:
Mark Hodges's Blog in 2012
Being Objective

Posted 05/04/2012:  This week I made the biggest mistake (so far) of my reporting career.

It would basically be like going up to a member of British Parliament and asking to interview him about the Intolerable Acts.

Yeah, I messed up pretty bad.

I don't want to go into detail about it in the public sphere, but embarrassingly enough, I went up to a bill sponsor to interview him about a story I was working on, and ended up using a pejorative term to identify the exact bill I wanted to talk about.

Needless to say, he wasn't happy, and I didn't get the interview. And didn't dare ask again.

Did I deserve it? Definitely. And I think it's a great example of how important it is to use objective, neutral terms when interviewing people and when reporting. Without that kind of objectivity, stories and interviews can be ruined. Luckily I was able to get another interview with a co-sponsor (during which I was much more careful) and finished the story.

Neutral identification of an issue will ensure everyone feels more comfortable talking about a subject, and will help ensure objectivity when interviewing.

Getting the Full Story
Posted 04/20/2012:  This week I covered a Senate hearing where they discussed the disciplinary policy for the Missouri National Guard.

It was a difficult process because first, the testimony was very broad. It ranged from people talking about their experiences working under an alleged neo-Nazi, to someone who had been accused of misconduct himself.  So narrowing the focus of my story was a bit of a challenge.

It was also tough because some of the people I talked with couldn't give much detail in their answers. They were employees of the state so they couldn't comment in too much detail.  For that reason, I think it's tough to do a good job of reporting sometimes. It's tough getting the full story.

However, I think it turned out pretty well when it was all said and done.

Posted 04/13/2012: 

Friday the 13th is sometimes considered "unlucky" due to its superstitious connotations. I don't usually subscribe to those kinds of ideas, but I actually agree with them this time.

This week I finished quite a bit at the statehouse.  I finally completed my feature story and also helped with some research for other stories.  It was a huge relief to get that done.

Now, after all that's done, comes the weekend.  This doesn't have to do with state politics.  This has to do with me running out of luck starting Friday the 13th of April.

Unlike news stories, I don't really have that much support for this story, but we'll see.

And hopefully it'll come back before too long.

When there's catching up to do
Posted 04/04/2012: 

It's crunch time. Back from spring break, and now it's dawned on me that the semester really is coming to a close in the next month. I can't say I'm ready for it, but I can say I've learned tremendous amounts from what I've been doing.

Through my work here at the Capitol, for example, I've learned to be strong. It's not easy working in a fast-paced newsroom. But it's definitely gotten easier for me as the months have flown by. I know it'll help me in the future as well.

I've also learned to multitask. Some may argue it's impossible to truly "multitask," only switch very quickly between multiple tasks, but whatever it is, I've got it figured out. Being at the Capitol for eight hours twice a week is difficult work on top of being a full-time college student, and at times I've really wanted to give up. But instead, I just worked harder at it. And I'd like to think I've become more efficient, too.

In a way, I've really just been getting ready for the rest of my life. It will always involve too much to do and not enough time to get it all done, so it's probably something worth getting used to. I don't believe it will always be this difficult or demanding, but if it is, I guess I'm up for it now. I will always compare my life to this moment in time when it's seemed the most difficult.

You definitely can't win 'em all
Posted 03/16/2012:  This week I was working on my feature story - the funding issue for Missouri veterans' homes and cemeteries.  I drove up to Jacksonville to talk with the director of the cemetery there, and he was a very interesting person to talk with.  In fact, time went by so quickly that it got much later than I had anticipated.  For that reason, I wasn't able to interview my source in Mexico at the veterans' home, so I will have to go back next week to do so.  Through this, I learned how important it is to budget and keep track of time!  After all, that's probably the one thing journalists would all agree they need more of, time.  However, I do plan on going back on Monday or Wednesday to talk with the people I had planned on talking with last week.

Lights Out at the Capitol
Posted 03/02/2012:  It's interesting how time flies when I'm in Jefferson City working on a story.  It seems like a mere couple of hours from the time I get there to the time I've finished my reporting for the day, but in all reality, I've been there from 10 am to 6 pm.  The great part is, it doesn't even seem like "work" to me because I enjoy it.  I'm much more comfortable working at the Capitol now than I was when I first started out.  I know the ins and outs of the building much better and I'm starting to get to know more people.

By the end of my semester here, I think things will be even easier for me.  It's nice especially because I have people looking out for me there, too.  Even still, I've found myself needing to ask them fewer questions as time goes on.  What once intimidated me (and still does!) is now much more manageable and even an enjoyable way to spend my time during the week.

Even though I end up leaving later than most people at the Capitol, long after the hallway lights have been dimmed and the lobbyists go home, it's valuable experience that I don't think I'd be able to get anywhere else.  Truly, I'm learning some great things here.

Recording at the Capitol
Posted 02/17/2012:  This week I made an XLR adapter for my iPhone and started using it to record at the statehouse.

It's nice because I don't have to use a bulky Marantz recorder, but simply carry my phone and cord with me to do my interviews and reporting.  And the quality is good, too.  I tested it in hearings and during interviews, and it worked out really well.  I think reporting will eventually end up moving more toward mobile and portable, actually.  It seems like that's a trend that will continue to develop especially during this decade, and I'm excited to see it.

I decided this would be a good thing to do, especially because the number of recorders we have at the office is limited.  That way, the equipment will be free for other reporters.  Eventually, I could see all reporters gathering audio with their phones and these kinds of adapters, but we're not quite there yet.

Alyssa Bustamante Sentencing
Posted 02/09/2012:  This week at the Capitol, I decided to look into the Alyssa Bustamante case in an effort to produce an enterprise story.  I found it very interesting that Bustamante has been taking Prozac since she was 13 - and I was surprised that I couldn't find any news about that in all of her proceedings.  I decided to investigate that.  Not surprisingly, Phill didn't buy it right away.

He wanted to know more, so I looked into it more.  As it turns out, during a similar case in Canada involving a 15-year-old boy committing murder, his use of Prozac was deemed an acceptable argument in court.  I gathered that along with other documented cases and information about the drug and its effects on adolescents, and finally Phill started coming around to my idea.  He had me go talk with a legislator who said I was probably on to something.

Unfortunately, the day after I started looking into this, I learned that the Prozac argument was used during Bustamante's hearing the very same day that I was looking into it at the statehouse.  So, was it new by the time I got back to MDN?  No.  Was it a good learning experience investigating the case?  Yes.  I definitely think I gained valuable reporting experience this week, and I look forward to another full week of reporting.

Another week at the Capitol
Posted 02/03/2012:  Coffee is my best friend.  But sometimes it fails.  And sometimes I get sick.  This week, I was in on Monday and covered a story on HB 1137 which would essentially shut down state-run habilitation centers.  I enjoyed covering the story and actually found it very interesting.  The testimony at the hearing was very moving, as well, from both sides of the issue.  I think I've been doing a better job of trying to find balance in a story and hearing both sides of the issue, and especially in this instance both arguments seemed to hold a good amount of credibility.  On Wednesday, I was really sick.  I woke up at 11:30 feeling awful, and didn't go in to work.  However, I'm ready to start next week strong.  I'm looking around for a possible enterprise piece but so far, haven't come up with anything.  I'm excited to find something to cover that's not necessarily day-in, day-out politics, though.

Starting out with MDN
Posted 01/27/2012:  So, I've been working at the Capitol for three solid days now, and I really am enjoying it.  I was a bit nervous at first, sure, but it's gotten to be pretty cool.  I already knew a few people who work there, and I'm already getting to know everyone else.

Is it a pain driving to Jefferson City twice every week?  Yes.  Is it frustrating getting only three hours' worth of credit for fourteen hours of work each week?  Yes.  But it's definitely worth it and I think the experience is going to really help me in the long run.

I talked with people over the past week who seemed really apprehensive about covering anything going on at the Capitol.  They were further in school than me, too, and it surprised me a bit.  The great thing is, I'm going to be very comfortable covering things at the statehouse before too long because I'll have so much experience, so in that regard I think this program is really valuable.

Even in the past few weeks, I've gained good experience covering politics.  Just learning where the hearing rooms are, how to listen for important information during House or Senate meetings, and how to pull legislators off the floor for a quick interview are all helpful things that I've learned so far.

I'm looking forward to a great semester of reporting for MDN.  I think I'm going to get along really well with the people who work here, have a great time, and vastly improve my writing in the process.