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March 2012 Stories
Newspaper Story - Missouri's House votes to require presidental candidates to prove they really were born in the U.S.
Radio Story - A bill to require the President of the U.S. to provide birth certificate
Newspaper Story - Hundreds of people representing labor unions and religious groups came to the Capitol to protest.
Newspaper Story - The candidate filing period has officially closed, but a district maps have not been officially finalized.
Radio Story - About one thousand union laborers gathered outside the Missouri protesting worker legislation.
Radio Story - Hundreds of Missourians protest President Obama's health care law
Radio Story - Anti-abortion rally at the state Capitol
Radio Story - House district maps still undecided by Supreme Court with one day left until the candidate filing deadline
Radio Story - Drug Monitoring Program to prevent people from 'doctor shopping'
NewsBook - News summary for the week of March 19, 2012
Radio Story - A bill that would change MO hospital inspections blocked in Senate.
Radio Story - Concerns about St. Louis education system spark debate during House budget approval.
Newspaper Story - St. Joseph Senator blocks a bill that would reduce the number of agencies regulating Missouri's Hospitals.
Newspaper Story - Missouri newspapers could face increased costs for printing materials.
Radio Story - Turner v. Clayton brings open enrollment back to light, but not debate.
Radio Story - A bill that would repeal tax credits for newspapers passes through committee.
Radio Story - The bill would exempt business owners from restricting the lawful carrying of firearms in a vehicle.
Newspaper Story - Missouri would implement a targeted testing program to test individuals at high risk for tuberculosis.
Radio Story - A Missouri Senator vows to block efforts that generate one-time funds for the state's budget.
Newspaper Story - With six weeks left in the legislative session, the school funding formula fix is stalled in the House.
Radio Story - The Missouri House gave first round approval to a bill making it illegal to disrupt worshiping services.
Radio Story - With increased use of technology on farms, some farmers are resisting.
Radio Story - Sen. Robin Wright-Jone's bill that would heighten Capital security debated in Senate Tuesday.
Radio Story - The Senate Rules and Ethics Committee heard a bill that would place a cap on campaign contributions.
Radio Story - Choirs meet at capitol for Fine Arts Day
Radio Story - A House resolution proposes a prohibition on toll roads across Missouri.
Radio Story - The Senate's only licensed physician continues to block a prescription drug monitoring plan.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House gives first round approval to the state's operating budget.
Radio Story - Bill to increase money for brain injury fund, set up commission
Radio Story - House committee hears bill to endorse a bill that would give better educational access to Missouri children.
Radio Story - St. Louis city officials say they want control over firefighter pension fund.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Democrats seek to reform failing ethics in the state government.
Newspaper Story - Missouri women send toilet paper to House Speaker as part of "Flush Rush" campaign.
Radio Story - Missouri could move to a closed primary system in 2013, forcing voters to vote according to their affiliation
Radio Story - A Missouri women's group wants House Speaker Steve Tilley to "Flush Rush."
Radio Story - House Democrats propose new ethics legislation, similar to the bill passed in 2010 the Mo. Supreme Court threw out.
Radio Story - A bill to prohibit tax credits to prevent businesses from relocating from Missouri to Kansas.
NewsBook - News summary for the week of March 12, 2012
Newspaper Story - Missouri Gov. Nixon requests disaster declaration from SBA
Newspaper Story - Missouri Republicans begin process to pick presidential nominee.
Radio Story - With Missouri's primary election candidate selected, the voting now moves to the caucus.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's auditor released a report giving reccomendations of how to stop state violations of the Sunshine Law.
Radio Story - Auditor Schweich released a report Monday detailing violations of the Sunshine Law over the past two years.
Radio Story - Missouri conducted a statewide tornado drill Tuesday afternoon.
Radio Story - Highway fatalities increase efforts to promote highway safety.
NewsBook - News summary for the week of March 5, 2012
3/ 8/2012:
Newspaper Story - Missouri lawmakers go on spring break after passing business bills, but many things remain on their agenda.
3/ 8/2012:
Newspaper Story - Worker discrimination bill passes in Senate Thursday morning, after Wednesday night filibuster.
3/ 8/2012:
Radio Story - Dispatch's inaccurate editorial saying women were shut out of contraception floor debate causes stir.
3/ 8/2012:
Radio Story - Missouri representatives want to adopt a state butterfly and a state exercise.
3/ 8/2012:
Radio Story - Worker discrimination bill passes in Senate Thursday morning, after Wednesday night filibuster.
3/ 8/2012:
Newspaper Story - Missouri General Assembly discussing tough issues including a comprehensive education reform bill after break
3/ 8/2012:
Radio Story - Missouri students protested against plan to honor Rush Limbaugh.
3/ 8/2012:
Radio Story - An overview of the 2012 legislative session so far.
3/ 7/2012:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's House accepted a Senate bill changing worker's compensation laws.
3/ 7/2012:
Radio Story - The Missouri House joined the senate in passing a bill restricting employee lawsuits
3/ 7/2012:
Radio Story - A Senate bill will restrict Missouri public contracts with companies who invest with energy sections of Iran.
3/ 7/2012:
Radio Story - Schweich filed a document with IRS to collect funds for campaign.
3/ 7/2012:
Newspaper Story - Budget sent to House floor with level college funding and cuts to the blind still intact.
3/ 7/2012:
Radio Story - Democratic Senators filibuster bill...again.
3/ 6/2012:
Radio Story - The House Minority Caucus calls for the Speaker of the House to not go through with plans to induct Limbaugh.
3/ 6/2012:
Radio Story - 3 bills that would have allowed students to serve on UM Board of Curators all voted down in House Committee.
3/ 6/2012:
Radio Story - A controversial health care amendment debated in House Committee Session.
3/ 6/2012:
Newspaper Story - In a 7-4 vote, three pieces of legislation allowing students to serve on the UM Board of Curators were voted down.
3/ 6/2012:
Radio Story - Missouri House approved a prescription drug monitoring program.
3/ 6/2012:
Radio Story - Muslims and other immigrants rallied in front of the state Capitol to oppose proposed immigrant legislation.
3/ 6/2012:
Radio Story - The House Minority Caucus calls for the Speaker of the House to not go through with plans to induct Limbaugh.
3/ 5/2012:
Radio Story - Amid national controversey, the Missouri House Speaker is honoring Rush Limbaugh's achievements
3/ 5/2012:
Newspaper Story - House committee approves greater mandates for economic development projects including business background checks.
3/ 5/2012:
Radio Story - Proposed bill would allow UM System students to have a direct say on the Board of Curators
3/ 5/2012:
Newspaper Story - After calling a law student a 'slut,' Rush Limbaugh will be inducted into the Hall of Famous Missourians.
3/ 5/2012:
Radio Story - Legislators choose not to condemn decision to induct Rush Limbaugh into Hall of Famous Missourians
3/ 5/2012:
Radio Story - Bill monitoring prescription drugs met strong opposition from the only doctor in the Senate.
3/ 4/2012:
NewsBook - News summary for the week of February 27, 2012
3/ 1/2012:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House is reversing the cuts to universities by slashing funds for the blind.
3/ 1/2012:
Radio Story - House approves bill that would create a lottery to benefit veterans homes.
3/ 1/2012:
Newspaper Story - An American Bar Association task force presented recommendations to review the death penalty in Missouri.
3/ 1/2012:
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate has voted against increased taxes for state farmers.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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