A piece of Missouri legislation would prevent legislative walkouts like those in Wisconsin.
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A piece of Missouri legislation would prevent legislative walkouts like those in Wisconsin.

Date: March 3, 2011
By: Helena Kooi
State Capitol Bureau
Links: HJR 33, SJR 22, Get the coverage from Madison, Wis.

As Democrats in Wisconsin and Indiana remain on the run, some Missouri legislators says if lawmakers did that in Jefferson City, they should get kicked out of office.
RunTime:  0:43
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: After Democrats in other states flee to stall a vote on union legislation, Missouri lawmakers say it is unlikely to happen here.

But a constitutional amendment proposed by Republicans in the Missouri House and Senate would remove legislators from office if they left the state to avoid a vote. 

Democratic Representative Jean Peters-Baker says the amendment is an unnecessary political move.

Actuality:  BAKER1.WAV
Run Time:  00:08
Description: "It's irrelevant because it's not what we were sent here to do. It's not to create jobs, it's not to balance our budget, we are doing none of that with this resolution."

Peters-Baker says walkouts in Missouri would not slow legislative action.

This is because both the House and Senate have enough members to hold a session without the presence of Democrats.

From the state Capitol, I'm Helena Kooi.

Some Missouri lawmakers have proposed legislation that would kick other lawmakers out of office if they leave the state to avoid a vote.
RunTime:  0:40
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: In response to the continued absence of Democratic lawmakers in Wisconsin and Indiana, Missouri lawmakers introduced an amendment to the state constitution that would discourage leglslative walkouts. 

Democratic Representative Jean Peters-Baker says walkouts aren't an issue in Missouri. 

Actuality:  BAKER2.WAV
Run Time:  00:07
Description: "This rule is meritless, it's baseless, it's politics, it's searching for a problem. There isn't one."

Peters-Baker says even if every Democrat walked out of the Missouri legislature, business could go on as usual.

Unlike Wisconsin which requires sixty percent of members to be present, the Missouri House and Senate only need a majority to stay in session.

From Jefferson City, I'm Helena Kooi.

Missouri legislators propose an amendment to the state constitution that would punish lawmakers if they tried to walkout like Democrats in Wisconsin and Indiana.
RunTime:  0:35
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The measure came in response to action in two states to stall a vote on union legislation.

Central Missouri Republican Representative Sandy Crawford is one of the bill's sponsors.

Actuality:  CRAWF1.WAV
Run Time:  00:05
Description: "I think this is just a precaution and I think we just need to have it for future purposes."

On the other side, Democrats say this proposed constitutional amendment is meaningless because the Missouri legislature can hold session as long as there are a majority of lawmakers present.

Missouri has not had a walkout like the ones in Wisconsin and Indiana in recent memory.

Reporting from the state Capital, I'm Helena Kooi.