Many Missourians testify in support of expanding charter schools throughout the state
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Many Missourians testify in support of expanding charter schools throughout the state

Date: March 16, 2011
By: Kyle Tons
State Capitol Bureau
Links: SB-294

Three homeless St. Louis children brought a St. Louis state senator to tears in support of a newly introduced bill to expand charter schools throughout Missouri.
RunTime:  0:41
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Catrell Churchman, Victor Whittier (Whitt-ier), and Chris Howard are students at Shearwater High School, a program trying to get homeless kids back into school.

The three boys testified at a Senate Education Committee meeting in favor of Senator Joe Keaveny's (Kevin-ee) bill that would allow additional charter schools like Shearwater to open.

St. Louis Senator Jane Cunningham teared up during the testimonies because she says the boys reaffirmed the way she feels about charter schools.

Actuality:  CUNIK.WAV
Run Time:  00:06
Description: Cunningham: "It just does my heart good when they want to work this hard to be productive citizens and I want to do everything I can to give them what they need."

No one in opposition of the bill spoke at the hearing.

No further action was taken.

From Jefferson City, I'm Kyle Tons.

The Senate Education Committee heard the testimonies of supporters for a new bill that would expand charter schools.
RunTime:  0:48
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: President and C-E-O of Shearwater High School Stephanie Krauss brought three current students to testify in front of committee members.

Shearwater High School gives education opportunities to homeless kids in St. Louis.

Krauss says she's in support of Senator Joe Keaveny's (Kevin-ee) bill to expand charter schools because it would allow additional schools to be opened similar to Shearwater.

Shearwater student Chris Howard says Shearwater's helped him overcome family abuse and...

Actuality:  HOWARD2.WAV
Run Time:  00:11
Description: Howard: "I think we should also be able to build schools just like Shearwater because Shearwater gets you ready for college, work, and it's a goal-orientated school."

Howard and two other students testified bringing St. Louis Senator Jane Cunningham to tears.

No one spoke against the bill.

From Jefferson City, I'm Kyle Tons.

Homeless high school students spoke at a Senate Education Committee hearing about a newly introduced bill that would expand charter schools.
RunTime:  0:39
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Shearwater High School helps homeless kids in St. Louis get back into school to help them transition to either get jobs or go to college.

18-year-old Shearwater student Catrell Churchman says he's maintained the 95 percent attendance rate while at Shearwater.

Churchman says how much Shearwater helped him.

Actuality:  CHURCH.WAV
Run Time:  00:09
Description: Churchman: "I feel like Shearwater gives you a second chance...because I was out of school for three years...and I really thought I had no hope left for real."

Two other students shared their personal stories about why they support the bill.

An applause from people in the hearing surrounded the boys after testifying.

No one in opposition testified in front of the committee.