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March 2010 Stories
Newspaper Story - By overwhelming approval, the House passed new abortion regulations
News summary for the week of March 22, 2010
Newspaper Story - Top priorities before Missouri's legislature remain unresolved in the final seven weeks of the session.
Newspaper Story - Missouri lawmakers consider how to control a growing population of wild hogs.
Newspaper Story - With seven weeks left in the legislative session, the House Ethics Committee reports out an ethics bill.
Newspaper Story - The House passed an omnibus judiciary bill covering conceal and carry rights, adoption records, personal privacy and Castle Doctrine
Radio Story - Tim Jones called Jeff Roorda a liar in a response to Roorda's arguments about partisan politics.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Department of Transportation Director Pete Rahn announced his resignation Wednesday.
Newspaper Story - Home-schooled students would be allowed to play high school sports in their home district under a Senate bill heard Wednesday
Radio Story - The company MoDOT director Pete Rahn is joining got huge amounts of money from the state over the past five years.
Radio Story - After more than 5 years as MODOT director, Pete Rahn resigned Wednesday
Newspaper Story - The House balanced the budget for next year by cutting education, social services and agriculture
Newspaper Story - The state Senate spent hours on Wednesday debating a health care bill that would allow Missourians to opt out of the insurance mandate
Radio Story - The revised state budget approved in a House meeting today receives praise and criticisms from House representatives.
Radio Story - Senate debates health care freedom act.
Radio Story - Missouri's senators are working in small group with assigned topics to figure where they could decrease spending
Radio Story - Lt. Governor Peter Kinder announced Tuesday his plan to join a lawsuit challenging the legality of the federal healthcare law
Radio Story - The Senate work day panel on General government discussed mandated furloughs and a consolidated state health system.
Radio Story - 4 Senators spent the day evaluating ways to adjust tax structure
Radio Story - Small groups of senators discussed budget changes related to crime policy in Missouri.
Radio Story - Four senators discussed how to advance Missouri's education system
Newspaper Story - Senate work sessions aim to address budget cuts
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House voted to cut $105 million from the Foundation Formula.
Radio Story - The amendment takes $105 million away from secondary and elementary schools.
Newspaper Story - Less than 24 hours after healthcare legislation passed the U.S. House of Representatives, a state Senate committee advanced a bill to ban abortion coverage.
Radio Story - Less than 24 hours after the U.S. House of Representatives passed its landmark piece of healthcare legislation, a state Senate committee voted to advance a bill to ban abortion coverage.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate received over 1500 e-mails in its campaign to cut spending in state government.
Newspaper Story - The University of Missouri System won a victory Monday, as the Senate Governmental Organizations Committee cut down a bill that would have consolidated state workers' health plans.
Newspaper Story - House Democrats are preparing a flurry of amendments to the budget as House debate on the budget begins.
Newspaper Story - A bill heard by the House Urban Issues committee would protect against employment, public accommodation and housing discrimination based on a person's sexual orientation.
Radio Story - The House votes to require a doctor tell the local prosecutor when a minor seeks an abortion.
News summary for the week of March 15, 2010
Radio Story - The Senate approved a bill that requires health insurance to cover autism diagnosis and treatment.
Radio Story - In their second day of meetings, the House Budget Committee failed to make significant cuts in the fiscal year 2011 budget.
Newspaper Story - A bill mandating Medicaid coverage for bleeding disorders received no opposition in committee hearing
Newspaper Story - A Senate bill would increase the number of games a Bingo license holder can conduct.
Newspaper Story - Senate committee heard bill that would alter the state's bullying policies
Radio Story - Missouri's House voted to speed up the ban on fake pot.
Newspaper Story - A state sovereignty rally was held in the Capitol Building today as the Missouri Senate placed a resolution that would prevent Missourians from getting punished for not participating in a national health care plan was placed on a Senate calendar.
Radio Story - State sovereignty supporters at a rally say they don't want the government in their health care.
Newspaper Story - The week following the governor's plan for consolidating Missouri's two education departments, the issue has yet to emerge in Missouri's legislature
Radio Story - The Senate will spend all day Tuesday discussing ideas submitted online by Missourians.
Radio Story - House votes to approve a joint resolution that opts out of federal mandated health reform.
Newspaper Story - Bill would would allow doctor to override pharmaceutical entities from blocking prescribed drugs until alternative therapy fails
Radio Story - A bill in the Senate Commerce committee would crack down on health care companies.
Newspaper Story - Local government faces run in with state officials
Newspaper Story - Belly dancers highlight a Census event at the Missouri Capitol on Monday.
Radio Story - Belly dancers shake their stuff on the steps of the State Capitol to promote the Census.
Radio Story - The House shot down an amendment to legalize medical marijuana in the same bill that would ban fake pot.
Radio Story - During a debate on an Internet sales tax, a conservative rural senator was called a
Newspaper Story - The House voted down an amendment that would legalize medical marijuana in a bill banning K2
Newspaper Story - House Budget Chairman Allen Icet, R-Wildwood, said Monday that a new revised revenue estimate for next year will likley not come in time for the House to adjust its budget numbers.
News summary for the week of March 8, 2010
Newspaper Story - The state budget director announced $126 million in cuts to the current budget
Newspaper Story - The focus of the FBI's investigation into potential corruption, former speaker Rod Jetton, testified before a grand jury in KC.
3/ 9/2010:
Radio Story - A former Missouri House representative testified in front of a Kansas City Grand Jury about former Speaker Rod Jetton
3/ 8/2010:
Newspaper Story - A new database will help track purchases of a key meth ingredient in Missouri but a police officer in a state already using the database says it's not perfect.
3/ 7/2010:
News summary for the week of March 1, 2010
3/ 4/2010:
Newspaper Story - The substitute budget fully funds Foundation Formula, but relies on $300 million Missouri might not get
3/ 4/2010:
Newspaper Story - About 100 protesters gathered on the Capitol steps Thursday morning to criticize Republican state leaders and wealthy conservative businessman Rex Sinquefield.
3/ 4/2010:
Radio Story - Republican and Democratic Caucuses held press conferences to express priorities for the second half of session.
3/ 4/2010:
Newspaper Story - Law enforcement officials and legislators alike fear texting while driving ban will be difficult to enforce.
3/ 3/2010:
Newspaper Story - Senate first-round approves a bill that would require Missourians to purchase only one license plate for their cars.
3/ 3/2010:
Radio Story - The state's budget crisis is running into the front end of your automobile.
3/ 3/2010:
Newspaper Story - The House debated a bill which would make possession of any amount of K-2 a Class C felony.
3/ 3/2010:
Newspaper Story - Radioactive gas found in Columbia now under investigation by the U.S. Attorneys office
3/ 3/2010:
Newspaper Story - The Senate Education Committee heard a bill Wednesday to promote science, technology, education and math education, but the state wouldn't be obligated to commit any money to the initiative.
3/ 3/2010:
Radio Story - In a House meeting Wednesday, the Missouri legislature passed a bill which allows residents to decide for themselves if they want health care coverage.
3/ 3/2010:
Radio Story - A synthetic marijuana-like substance goes to the House for debate.
3/ 3/2010:
Radio Story - The Senate Agriculture Committee considers methane as a renewable energy.
3/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - St. Louis Mayor Slay says the city should have the last word with the St. Louis City Police
3/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - Gov. Nixon met with the Senate Republican Caucus to discuss more budget cuts
3/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - Proposed changes to a Senate bill would overhaul the Missouri petition process
3/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - A house bill allowing for testing of carbon sequestration in Green County leaves many debating liability issues.
3/ 2/2010:
Radio Story - Republicans and Democrats sparred over the effectiveness of Gov. Nixon's closed-door budget negotiations.
3/ 2/2010:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Government coulf fall short by a half billion dollars it needs to balance next year's budget
3/ 2/2010:
Newspaper Story - The bill would equalize the disparity in funds between students at public and private higher education institutions
3/ 2/2010:
Newspaper Story - Bill would also prohibit individuals younger than 16 from tanning and require those under the age of 18 to obtain written parental permission
3/ 2/2010:
Newspaper Story - The mayor of St. Louis supports legislation to localize control of the St. Louis police department while the St. Louis Police Officers' Association opposed.
3/ 1/2010:
Newspaper Story - A state representative's estranged wife issued a letter Monday criticizing a state statute she said is delaying her divorce.
3/ 1/2010:
Newspaper Story - UM System representatives opposed a bill that would consolidate all state employee health care plans.
3/ 1/2010:
Newspaper Story - A group of Senate Democrats countered a committee report on E. coli testing with a harshly worded report of their own.
3/ 1/2010:
Newspaper Story - St. Louis is one step closer to gaining local control over running the police department.
3/ 1/2010:
Radio Story - A heated hearing ended with the House Urban Issues Committee passing a bill to give St. Louis control of its police department.
3/ 1/2010:
Radio Story - The Democratic members of the Senate Commerce Committee released a Minority report regarding the investigation of elevated E. coli levels at the Lake of the Ozarks.
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