Immigration bills catching heat
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Immigration bills catching heat

Date: January 23, 2007
By: Hillari Duthoo
State Capitol Bureau

Intro: A Republican proposal to make English the state's only official language is coming under attack.

OutCue: SOC

The measure filed in Missouri's senate would submit for a statewide vote a law to make English the official language for government processes like elections and driving tests.

But St. Louis County Senator Joan Bray charges the issue drives a wedge between immigrants and those citizens already here.

Actuality:  IMJNSB1.WAV

Run Time: 00:22

Description: "You know, people who come to this country want to know English, they want to function successfully in our society. There are some elderly people who come here who have difficulty and may never learn it perfectly , may never learn it well yet they are here legitimately, they are here legally, and they should not be denied, you know, participating in our society."

But on the other side, the Senate's top Republican leader said Missourians are concerned that illegal immigrants are getting Missouri government services.

Intro: A Republican proposal to make English the state's only official language is coming under attack.

OutCue: SOC
A variety of immigration interest groups charged the English-only bill is a wedge issue that divides Americans.
But the Senate's top Republican leader Mike Gibbons says the public is concerned about illegal immigration:

Actuality:  IMMGIB2.WAV

Run Time: 00:16

Description: "People are concerned about illegal immigrants accessing taxpayer supported activities, they're concerned about taking jobs that otherwise lawful citizens or visitors would have access to..."


But on the other side, Democrats have said if Republicans are really serious about illegal immigration, they would toughen the penalties for businesses that hire illegals.

From the state Capitol, I'm Hillari Duthoo.