Intro: Nixon continues his protest of the Governor's new MOHELA plan
Attorney General Jay Nixon would not rule out the possibility of a lawsuit against the state on the issue of MOHELA.
He wasn't clear on whether the lawsuit, if any, would come from his office or from other concerned Missourians.
Nixon spoke to retired teachers on what he believes the ramifications would be if the governor's plan is followed.
Actuality: NIXON003.WAV
Run Time: 00:13
Description: "These middle class familes who are victims of what we call "middle class squeeze". In many cases these are the two income families -- those who don't qualify for financial aid but can't afford the rising cost of tuition."
Nixon did say that he thinks MOHELA board members who are also associated with groups that would benefit from the sale of the agency's assets should recuse themselves from a vote in the end of September.
From Jefferson City, I'm Hillari Duthoo.
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