State officials to recieve Amber alerts on mobile devices
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State officials to recieve Amber alerts on mobile devices

Date: October 4, 2006
By: Fanna Haile-Selassie
State Capitol Bureau

Intro: Governor Matt Blunt takes the next step in communicating the Amber alerts to government employees.

OutCue: SOC

The abduction of baby Abby Woods from her mother two and a half weeks ago led Governor Matt Blunt to order state employees to receive wireless missing child alerts.

The order will issue amber alerts to state mobile devices such as cell phones and blackberries, which will go into affect immediately.

Residents can also sign up for the same alerts at to get the free service.

Actuality:  BLUNT.WAV
Run Time: 00:12
Description: He finds it important for all citizens to sign up for Amber alerts, but he's only directing state employees with state mobile devices to do so.

Employees and residents can choose which alerts they receive, spanning areas as small as a zip code to nationwide.

From the state Capitol, I'm Fanna Haile-Selassie

Intro: Missouri became the first state to use the online Amber Alert System.

OutCue: SOC

Governor Matt Blunt mandated all state employees using state mobile devices to receive missing child alerts quicker.

He says this step is important to help find missing children.

Actuality:  BLUNT02.WAV
Run Time: 00:10
Description: The abduction of baby Abby reminds law enforcements the importance of rapid communication in finding missing children.

Missouri is the first state requiring state mobile devices to receive wireless Amber Alerts.  Residents can also sign up online for free alert messages at

Employees and residents can choose which alerts they receive, spanning areas as small as a zip code to nationwide.

From the State Capitol, I'm Fanna Haile-Selassie