One of the leaders in the Missouri House threatens to take away the governor's security force...just to make a point about the right to carry concealed weapons.
Missy Shelton is in Jefferson City with the latest.
The Majority Floor leader in the House Wayne Crump of Potosi proposed doing away with the funding for the 10 Highway Patrol officers who guard the governor.
During debate on the house floor, Representative Crump said he believes there's something wrong with the governor speaking against the right to carry concealed weapons when he himself enjoys the protection of 10 armed highway patrol officers.
Rep Luann Ridgeway and Rep Crump discuss the message they are trying to send to the governor
Eventually, Representative Crump withdrew his proposal because he said he just wanted to send a message to the governor.
Chris Sifford is the governor's spokesman.
The issue isn't dead. The Senate could make the same proposal when they begin their work on the budget.
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